umfma.Inked.Girls..OctoberSeptember.2014, Magazyny
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//-->OUTER BEAUTY FOR THE INNER REBELRIAESUICIDE+ALYSHAMERCEDESELLISAMANDAROSIEKAMARAEDISONCOOPERVON HELLNETTEDENCHUTABLE OFCONTENTSTHE GIRLS6AMANDA CHUJustin SwainANNA QUINNGlenn WallaceEDEN VON HELLDiego BattagliaELLIS COOPERAngry MoonJESSICA RABBITKeith SelleKARLA LAMBERTLoren CutlerHOPESonja LuxMONAMI FROSTMonami FrostTONISean RosenthalROSIE KAMARADuane JoubertTAYLOR BRYNNECharlie CouchALYSHA NETTCamerafaceMERCEDES EDISONRaymond CroftRIAE SUICIDEDiego BattagliaTERRI & LUSYJames DekkerZEPHY DIMEHassan Kinley14202834404654606672768494102110COVER:Photography by TK; Stylist: TK; Hair: TK; Makeup: TK; TK.4 |INKEDMAG.COMCONTRIBUTORSCAMRAFACEaka Jennifer Rovero is an LA basedphotographer that plays both sides of the lensand never leaves home without her camera. Sheacts as a behind the scenes photographer forvarious celebrities which has taught her how torun and gun with the best of them. Raised onthe idea that studio can never really beat honestmoments she takes a journalistic approach inher work. If you happen to see her running thestreets for photos you should most definitelystop her and ask for a collab. She's into it.camraface.comSEAN ROSENTHALwas born and raised in SouthernCalifornia. He found photography while travelingthe states in the late 90’s with various hardcoreand post hardcore bands. His passion grew forthe art of photography over the last 12 years andhe now shoots images and ad campaigns fornational brands like Pepsi, Simple Mobile, CES,Quiksilver, Bowlmor Lanes, and more which givehim the freedom and time to shoot what he lovesbest for magazines such as Inked Girls.seanrosenthal.tvSONJA LUXruns a photography studio based inBoston that caters to alternative models. Shestarted her photography career as a photojour-nalist for a national newspaper. After her firstshoot with a model, her love for photographyturned into a passion. Being a tattooed femaleherself, she was naturally drawn to working withmodels who didn’t fit the industry standard.Her favorite part about being a photographer isshowing clients how beautiful they truly are, andshe loves working with the “everyday woman.”ladyluxproductions.comRAYMOND CROFTis a 21 year old Fashion Pho-tographer and Director based in New York. Byblending the refined style of New York along withthe rawness of Los Angeles, he is able to cap-ture the organic, natural beauty of each modelwith a one of kind eye and truly unique perspec-tive. His work has been published with severalfashion photography blogs, print and onlinemagazines. He has also fostered relationshipswith several celebrities through his work and iscurrently working on several major WALLACEis a self-taught photographer,with a degree in videography. He enjoys beingable to express his creativity and prides himselfon working with natural light. Glenn enjoysworking on location, and has an obsession withnature. He enjoys working with models to show-case the individuality of each model and design.When not attached to his camera or laptopediting. Glenn can be found screaming at theTV and watching his favourite football team CUTLERwas raised in the Bay Area nearSan Francisco, CA. This a-dork-able girl hasbeen pursuing her love for photography for a fewyears now and has since moved to the desert inPhoenix AZ. There, she discovered her passionfor tattoo models and glamour concepts. Sheadores the sexy side of photography and triesto capture each model's beauty in the best waypossible. Outside of photography, Loren lovesFrank Sinatra, baseball, Morticia Addams, andsci-fi movies like “The Fifth Element”
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